olisi keittiön uusimisprojekti. Liitetiedostona hieman mittoja ja kaappi-layout suunnitelmaa. Kysyisin tarjoustanne tuon tyylisestä kokonaisuudesta.
Tykkään modernista eurooppalaisesta tyllistä. Kaapistojen ovet mielellään high gloss – kiiltäviä.
Kohde olisi Helsingissä.
Jään kuulolle yhteydenottoanne varten.
Ystävällisin terveisin,
Saisimmeko tarjouksen oheisen kuvan mukaisista muutamasta lisäkaapista/laatikostosta ja koko keittiön ovista?
Tyyli ois tuo moderni, yksinkertainen sileä ja suorakulmainen. väri vois olla joku vaaleapetsaus.
Pyydämme keittiöTARJOUSTA oheisesta liitteestä.
Pyytäisimme keittötarjousta oheisen piirroksen ja sävyjen mukaisesti.
Toivomme tarkempaa hintaerittelyä ja kodinkoneiden hinnat erikseen.
Jääkaappi-pakastimet ja tiskikone on integroituina. Mikron yläpuolella olevat kaapit ovat muista poiketen valkoiset.
Ovet ovat vaaleahkoa, tammijäljitelmää. Syyt vaakatasoon. Ei ura ovia.
Valkoiset ovet mattapintaisina.
Yksi iso komposiittiallas.
Alhaalla oleva sokkelilista tummanharmaa.
Toivomme TARJOUSTA näillä tiedoilla.
Yt. Jukka
Paljonko maksaa tamminen allaskaappi?
Antakaa joku arvio.
Kaappi 90 cm leveä. noin 60 cm korkea, neljä jalkaa, allas on suomalainen IDO 90 cm.
Warm regards from Finland! :)
We have bought a nice jugend-style (architect Eliel Saarinen) apartment in the centrum of Helsinki (Katajanokka). We have heard a lot of positive
about your company and that’s why we are asking an offer:
1) We are planning to build the wooden bookshelves in our entrance hall and in one small bedroom, pages 3-5 and 14-15.
Please kindly see attached document. Our plan is to paint them Farrow & Ball –paintings.
2) Then we are planning to build the bunk-beds for the kids with wardrobes, if they are not expensive. It doesn’t need to be any cabinetmaker.
So please could you kindly give also an offer for these, pages 7-10. Alternatively we can order only the stairs and then build a rest
of the structure by ourselves.
3) In addition we will build a daybed, pages 11-13. It is possible that the renovation company will build this, but we thought that we will
ask also an offer from you.
4) Small tables, page 6.
5) We will have two sink cabinets, pages 16 and 21 (we will update these pictures soon). If you have already some kind of model, which is easy
to modify or use it, it would be great. We will prefer cheap options of sink cabinets (anyway wooden) and they will be painted. Unlike the picture,
we would love to have only doors instead of boxes. We would love to have our electric toothbrush in the inside of the cabinets.
6) Two windows, pages 18-19 and page 24. In the page 24, door will be made by wooden and there is not any window. We don’t unfortunately have
yet updated pictures (we will get them soon).
7) Three old styles doors (one example in the page 5), width 700. We will of course send detailed picture, if we go further with you.
We have a very strict budget and we are ready to give up the most of our plans...
Anyway if we found a company, who would able to provide
these with reasonable prizes, we are eager to be a very flexible with timetables. In addition if you are interested to co-operate with us, we
can also mention your name in decoration magazines for decrease of invoice. Last time our ex-apartment was showed in very popular Finnish magazine
Deko and also Elle Deko from UK was interested to show our apartment in their review.
Our apartment was also a stage for many Finnish adds,
like Marimekko, Fiskars and Kekkilä etc. Our photos were also very popular in different blogs all over the world. In addition our designer L. is one
of the most famous in her field and she was chosen for a young designer of year in Finland.
Now our aim is to create even fancier apartment - create
modern apartment with twist of good old days – but anyway with reasonable money. The building is very beautiful and its one of the most famous
example of Finnish national romantism (...).
Thank you very much and we hope to hear from you soon! :) We will do our final decision in the latest ...
Kind regards,
Yhteensä 7 taloa. Alla esimerkkitalo. Vastaa aika hyvin muita
Tässä esim D talo
Keittiö ja kph:t: ovet maalattu, kiiltävä, vetimetön
Khh ja mh yms ovet: maalattu matta (voi olla kalvotettukin, mutta sitten pitää olla hyvä)
Keittiö tasot: massiivipuu
Khh tasot: laminaatti 30 mm